
Sleepless Nights upon drafts of forgotten Wisdom and forbidden Paths often made My Mind restless and eager for reaching new depths of Universal Perception. The Sense of losing Myself between ideas little bothered me, for I knew one thing – I will find what I seek, no matter how long it will be…Every step was more closer and reassuring, every guess took My Focus inside the right circle…into The Dream-Rift! I don’t know how but one day, at the edge of cataclysmic events inside My Mind, when everything around collapsed to absurdity and chaos…something strange changed My Inner Universe. Suddenly, I was obsessed by unknown idea, some kind of outer-thought, alien to my form of thinking...THIS THOUGHT BECAME MY LIFE...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Am ajuns din nou la mine

Prin semnele gravat-n lemn,
Ce s-au șters prin veacuri negre
Cu gîndurile de înapoi.

Un miros din visul veșnic
M-a îmbătat cu amintiri,
Ca mici bucăți de sticlă albă
S-au împrăștiat pe-un suflet gol.

Am găsit ceva pierdut
Din trecutul lumii mele,
Acea scînteie din Steaua Mare
Ce prin soare ea răsare.

Am pornit spre o aventură
Ca un copil cu jucării,
Ce își creează o scenă scurtă
Din nisipul risipitor...

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