
Sleepless Nights upon drafts of forgotten Wisdom and forbidden Paths often made My Mind restless and eager for reaching new depths of Universal Perception. The Sense of losing Myself between ideas little bothered me, for I knew one thing – I will find what I seek, no matter how long it will be…Every step was more closer and reassuring, every guess took My Focus inside the right circle…into The Dream-Rift! I don’t know how but one day, at the edge of cataclysmic events inside My Mind, when everything around collapsed to absurdity and chaos…something strange changed My Inner Universe. Suddenly, I was obsessed by unknown idea, some kind of outer-thought, alien to my form of thinking...THIS THOUGHT BECAME MY LIFE...

Saturday, December 28, 2013


Ce să spun cînd n-am ce spune
Cînd dorința de-a vorbi
E dincolo de cuvinte...
Chiar să spun ceva cu rost
Sensul gîndului se pierde
Și-mi rămîne numai Eul
C-o voce dulce, zîmbitoare.

Voi rosti un Nume-n șoaptă
Ca să uit de Dorul Meu,
Ca să simt că Sunt aproape
Chiar și dacă nu mai Sunt.
Voi vedea că Sunt cu Mine
Chiar și dacă nu mai Cred.

Să nu Plîng? Să rîd prin Lacrimi?
Ca apoi să cad în Vis?
Să fiu Singur ca și Tine?
Ca pe urmă Doi să fim?!

Eu Mă văd cînd merg, visînd
Tu Mă simți cînd Dorm, plutind...

Apocryphus Lex

Adevărul e ca o noapte fără vînt, fără nici o stea, doar un aer sintetic, lipsit de prospățime, încerci să țipi dar sunetele se opresc în gît mute, vrei să plîngi dar n-ai lacrimi. Liniștea e ceva apăsător, chiar te mănîncă din interior. Mai zîmbești din cînd în cînd dar nu de bucurie dar de chin, de incapacitatea de a vărsa lacrimi. Însuși Spațiul te strivește, te rupe în bucăți de timp....

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Codex Magi

Am să-mi fac din pat - Altar
Perna - Tronul veșnic dintre Vise
Plapuma - v-a fi ca Gîndul
Iar somnul - Viața ce-o visezi acum!


Saturday, August 31, 2013

Soul Sister

Sister Mine where are you going?
O! Stay and hear, your Brother's coming
That can both laugh and cry with tears,
Wait no longer pretty Sister
Journey's end in Our meeting
Every Lost-Man knows of this.

What is friendship? If not a Gift...
To treasure it We must with care,
What will be is still unknown
In vain guessing there's no plenty
Then come, meet me Soul Sister!
For now the Time is kind to Us...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


In the Shadow of silver Night
The brightest Truth in hidden lie
I see their bodies cast with Light
In the Silence of breathless Life…

The Path to Crystal Room is open
Few can see the glowing Star of Day
The sleepless Guardian is waiting
At the Door of Sacred Darkness.

My Stone of Fate is lost in water
Washed by tears and burnt by Blood
I found My Book in depths of Time
Not with Answers but with Rhyme.

The Word of Power in my Mind
And the Curse of many Dreams
Not Trust of Wise but Hope of Fool
Your cry will echo in Narakul.

Monday, July 8, 2013


                                Her Black colour of nightly-death
                                Her sweet sadness on pure face,
                                Her gaze like fire ignites my heart
                                Her hypnotic-poisonous kiss disturbs my peace!
                                Her gentle-icy touch drives me crazy-wild
                                Her quiet whisper makes my breath to stop...
                                But She is there, on the Throne of Darkness
                                On the silver Moon between the Stars,
                                Her tears are falling on my empty-heart
                                And Her Voice echo in my dreams of lust,
                                She is here! With me! The Queen of Beauty!
                                Ah, No...She was a dream...and I – The Dreamer.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Valentine’s Day

Everyone in his life is searching for love, even those who don’t believe in it. We celebrate love every day, there is no need for a special day to show our love to someone close to us. But it is more beautiful when we all are showing our feelings between each other like in this special day – Valentine’s Day. Love has different meanings for different people, even hate and envy sometimes can be the expression of love. I don’t know yet what love really is or what it looks like, I can only imagine it in my thoughts and fantasies. Once I fell in love…I thought that this was the real one…but with time I understood that this was just a dream, a temporary illusion. I wish you all in this special day to find your half-lover, if you already have one, please, keep this magic flame, for it can be easily destroyed. I thought that the biggest fear in life is darkness, but it is not…The biggest fear in life is being alone. When you are alone, there is no one, only you and your thoughts in the endless silence.
            I wish you Ladies to be happy, not just words of politeness, but the real happiness, happiness of love. For when you smile the world seems brighter, when you are near us we can do everything, when you are with us – we are one.
            On this special day I wish you all to enjoy with your partners in love, to share your feelings between each other and to express gratitude toward him or her for being with you and for you.
            Never lose hope for a perfect love, because then the world will be empty and love will seem cold and painful. You will always hide from the shadow of past, the present will be just a game of thoughts and the future will look bleak and gloomy.
            Valentine’s Day is a special day only when you are in love, without it this is just another ordinary day in which you wake up half-empty for being so alone…

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Empty Heart

Broken glass without flowers
Betrayed by foolish self with blood
I am hungry in my plenty, in my tears.
To feel nothing – like deadly Curse
Fills My Heart with void-bleak.
To Suffer and to Love is Bliss,
Without this…I lost My peace.

But whom to blame? The fault is Mine
In My Pride I fell from Heaven,
In My Shame I hid in Darkness.
I will wait My Dream to Wake
And to Sleep in Blissful slumber
Where My Heart is made anew
Half of Her and Half of Me
Will be One or will be None…

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Dark Light inside My twisted Soul
Flames of pain are taking over.
My Lust for Her is Icy-Fire,
My Blood is burning when She smiles.
Her Beauty is My Curse, My Bliss,
Her pure Eyes are blindly-bright
Shines like Crystals in the Night.
In Her presence I’m Shadow
In Her Face, I’m just a dreamer.
Like Goddess in ancient temple
She is My Temple of My Heart.
What is Perfect? I can’t Say…
In Her Grace, She is Perfection!
To Live a Dream in real World,
It’s like Hell for My Creation…

Monday, February 11, 2013


Un strop de sînge pe o frunză albă
Un gînd fără de formă-n minte,
Ca o Cupă goală pe o masă sfîntă
Așa-mi consum eu timpul pe pămînt.

În vălmășeala zilei fără fapte
El mă privește în umbrele din gloată,
Ca privirea mea s-o întîlnească
În ai săi ochi orbiți de veacuri.

Sunetul de voci străine umple trupul
Cu fraze dulci, dorite de mulțime
Ca să-și acopere marea goliciune,
Să se ascundă de Lumina Lunii...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chaotic Me

I want to be Black&White
               for I was both,
From the start of Time-illusion,
The Sex and Pain
                are My Domain,
The Two are One
                but One is Whole.
I am ,,Is
” , the ,,Was” in Past
    and ,,Will” of Future to become,
,,To Be or not to Be” -
         just a choice in continuum...

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Lumea s-a creat prin tine
Chiar Eu, sunt partea ta divină
Oare sunt în ce gîndesc?
Căci gîndul nu mă împlinește.
Să fiu ceia ce nu sunt?
E Lumina orbitoare! numai...
S-o distrug! Să piară viața!
Nu mai cred în astă Față!
Unde-ți apare vocea neagră
Printre Stele căzătoare,
Acolo-i Crucea Morții Albe
Pe ea să mor, de a mă-naște...
Legea Ta e numai Haos
Doar prin Haos totul crește,
Prin Haos lumea se-nfinește!
Să-ți spun pe nume? Nume n-ai
Nici formă n-ai, doar prin lumină
Te pot numi greșit – O Beznă...