
Sleepless Nights upon drafts of forgotten Wisdom and forbidden Paths often made My Mind restless and eager for reaching new depths of Universal Perception. The Sense of losing Myself between ideas little bothered me, for I knew one thing – I will find what I seek, no matter how long it will be…Every step was more closer and reassuring, every guess took My Focus inside the right circle…into The Dream-Rift! I don’t know how but one day, at the edge of cataclysmic events inside My Mind, when everything around collapsed to absurdity and chaos…something strange changed My Inner Universe. Suddenly, I was obsessed by unknown idea, some kind of outer-thought, alien to my form of thinking...THIS THOUGHT BECAME MY LIFE...

Friday, August 15, 2014

Grief and Glory

Many times I saw this Future
In my Wisdom from the Past
It begged for Silence written
Like a warning, Sealed with Blood.

I praised it secretly more Higher
For the Sign was Great Indeed
But Unknown to My reaction
It fell in Echo, deep in Time.

No regrets for Words unspoken
Why to show? Like someone care?
This wasn’t one of My Decision
But your Wish! I just obeyed…

Whom to ask for Strength and Hope?
For I know it
’s in My Power,
And to be weak, remain the same?
I would rather suffer Pain!

How to lose what has been found
When My Spirit is so Bound
By those Memories of Beauty
Lost in whisper of your Eyes.

I shall be released from Sadness
As your Spirit from My Madness
Then all will be like was before
With no promise, with no War.

I will Rise from burning Feelings
As I did in Days of Darkness,
And the Cry of Thousand Hounds
Will Call My Angel Name again.

My wound is bleeding crystal Tears
I will burn them in Crimson Fire
On the Altar of Holy Moon
A Sacrifice To Gods of Music!

To witness Glory in My stumble
Even when the Scar is Healed
Oh, I hear the Call of Silence
I must keep it, before it’s gone…

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Cercul Închis

Era prima dată cînd fusese chemat în Cercul de Măști. Pînă atunci, ținea legătură doar la distanță, prin Mesagerii Nopții, așa se prezentau de fiecare dată cînd el îi interoga curios. Dar acuma, totul era diferit, știa că i s-a oferit o șansă deosebită. Aștepta cu nerăbdare în Holul Amurgului, în acest spațiu posomorît domina o atmosferă nocturnă, parcă se cufunda în veacuri, ceva foarte cunoscut însă uitat spiritului său haotic. Deodată, o voce din spate îl chemă pe nume, simțea cum inima-i bătea rapid, sunetul bătăilor răsuna în întregul hol. S-a întors cu fața în direcția de unde auzise vocea. Era unul din Mesagerii Cercului, era îmbrăcat într-o mantie purpurie cu un brîu albastru-cristalin care în lumina lumînărilor din hol creea un efect haluncinant. Mesagerul îi făcuse un gest cu mîna stîngă spre ușa din fața lui și c-o voce apăsătoare rosti în grabă: ,,E Timpul!”
În mijlocul încăperii era un tron din piatră, era cioplit dintr-o stîncă care a rămas neatinsă de schimbările artificiale. Era înconjurat de trei sfeșnice, fiecare cu dimensiune și formă diferită. Pe ele ardeau cîte șase lumînări, mirosul de ceară topită acoperea holul într-un nor de fum amețitor. Spațiul părea pustiu, totuși simțea prezența lor chiar dacă nu se înfățișară în lumina oarbă a sfeșnicelor. Analizînd întunericul dincolo de lumină, știa că ei îl urmăresc atent, simțea privirile lor ca niște ace înțepătoare. Tăcea, chiar dacă sufletul-i striga în ecouri asurzitoare.

Presimțea acțiunea lor...Era înconjurat de ei, sub vocele lor glorioase a căzut jos, în mijlocul Cercului Închis. Sîngele cald picura încet pe suprafața petroasă a pragului, lăsînd o culoare catifelată. Privirea lui era îndreptată spre geamul holului, acolo, departe de acest Imperiu Ascuns văzuse un fluture purpuriu ce zbura deasupra unui chip umbros, cunoștea înfățișarea dar nu ținea minte al cui...Memoria i se îneca într-o beznă adîncă, inima-i bătea ultimele clipe de viață...Cu un zîmbet ironic rosti răgușit: ,,Joaca continuă în Visul următor...”

Monday, August 11, 2014

Last Call

I heard your Voice, you called My Name?
But Dead Man can
t come here again!
I left this Place not long ago, I am...
Gone! Like Wind before the Storm!

I hear your Cry like Echo in My Sleep
It’s screaming Loud from the Deep!
Why this Tears upon your Face?
Just let Me Go! To Die in Grace...

To Show Myself? I have no Power!
There are Laws beyond My Reach,
Don’t forget that in your Hands
You still Hold The Half of Me...

Don’t wait in Sorrow for My Return
I burnt The Bridge, there is no Way!
Your Last Words – You still Remember?
You can’t Break them, not Even Me!

You need My Strength? I give it Now!
More than Half, Last Drop of Blood...
The Time has Come, I walk with Night
Until the Moon and Stars will Shine!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Beyond Stars

You took My Flowers in My Dreams
My Sleep is Empty, with no rest
I am so tired now, to stay Awake...
Just make me dive into your Dream!

I took your Flowers in My hands and Care
And gave them Love through My Devotion
I will grow them in My Heart and Soul
To give you back - a Thousand Roses!

You took My Words of Inspiration
My Thoughts are scattered in Chaos,
I write Memories in Lonely Silence...
With my Ink of Blood and Tears!

I saved your Words in Hidden Box
Like a Treasure of Diamond Stones
I will put them on my gentle Neck
To Guide your Path in Loneliness!

You took a Part of Me away, with YOU
With Half of Me I can not be! You See?
My Wound is bleeding so deep, with Pain
I am nearly dying, I breathe in vain...

I brought you back your missing Piece
No need for me - You are Complete!
You closed the door, the Path is Lost
Beyond the Stars I fly...don’t cry!

You took My Stars from Heaven
My Night is dim and misty now
With no Lights to Shine my road
Who will lead me to my Home

I kept your Stars in My Protection
Like the Moon on sparkling Water
You think I took them from your Sight?
No, I made from them...your Galaxy

Monday, August 4, 2014


With every Fall in Daily Life
I fly with Hope more Higher,
Like a beam of Silver Light
Is fading into Dusky Night.

There was a time I burnt like Fire
With a Flame of Youthful Dreams,
Where is Joy of Simple Living
When I laughed at Fears and Pain…
I was Brave! Like Newborn Hero!
And the World was mine to play…

Now…Dust and Ashes from the Past
Blow like Wind of Frosty Winter,
I saw Darkness in My Heart
Like a Cloud of spinning Mist,
Calling those who hear His Silence
To the Kingdom of Heaven Lost.

Before I knew what Void means
I bathe in Rays of Blind Beauty,
To forge My Truth in Hidden Hour
Consumed by Taste of Forbidden Power.

Do you know the Real Peace?
When you are in Harmony and Bliss,
No Desire and no Things to Need
Just right here, in NOW to be!

Beyond the Stars I will abide
With My Crown of Astral Luck,
Where the Song of distant Future
Will Echo in an Endless Tune…