Where are my things from the past? Most of them are gone, but those who are – worthless, or of no much importance anymore. I feel like suddenly awaken – too rush and unexpected! I really want to find a way to slip from this Catharistic Existence! Sometimes too heavy, too short, too beautiful or too unbearable...never in-between...What I really have? What is really mine? What comes from real me? I can't answer because when I begin to analyse, I am drowned in weaves of Nothingness and Allness! Is there a path between these two?
I am still here...maybe on my way of slipping from here...soon, I hope to reach My Top of Illumination! Or at least to unveil some covers of my Amnesic Manifestation!
There must be something to my confusion, to this Chaotic Slumber! The thirst to wake up consumes me again, more intense and active than ever before! Nothing bounds me here but still I am bound by thoughts of uncozy feelings!