
Sleepless Nights upon drafts of forgotten Wisdom and forbidden Paths often made My Mind restless and eager for reaching new depths of Universal Perception. The Sense of losing Myself between ideas little bothered me, for I knew one thing – I will find what I seek, no matter how long it will be…Every step was more closer and reassuring, every guess took My Focus inside the right circle…into The Dream-Rift! I don’t know how but one day, at the edge of cataclysmic events inside My Mind, when everything around collapsed to absurdity and chaos…something strange changed My Inner Universe. Suddenly, I was obsessed by unknown idea, some kind of outer-thought, alien to my form of thinking...THIS THOUGHT BECAME MY LIFE...

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Fallen Pride has Wings of Freedom
Not Libertine Feathers of Calling Duty.
Bring the Sword of Silver Moonlight!
And Crimson Shield beneath deca
yed Blight.
The Warmth of Tears upon Her Silent Grave
I gave with Drops of Frozen Blood in Vain...
The Rainbow Path to reach The Highest Star
Is guarded Day and Night by Vigil Atunar.
Above this World I seek your Pure Soul,
I will clad Myself with Smoke and Shadow
To bind My scattered Essence in Holy Darkness
And save Your Heart from Wicked Prison!

The Spark of Life is Waste without Conscious Living
When Royal Blood is blocked in Depths of Wisdom.
You gave me All I need but still I Lack the Grace of Kings
Tied to The Cliff of Destiny like Titan inside the Rings!

Friday, December 4, 2015


You can Hate, Blame or call Me Traitor!
I knew the Price, They gave me Warning…
My Tongue was Sealed, My Mind was Bound
I craved for Primal Breath instead of Power.
They gave Me Tools of Old and Tomes to Cover
Forever Lost and Free, without Work or Hunger
”Azure Coven” under Arching Dome – My New Home.

The Astral Nymphs of Lockya with Crystal Bodies
Their Fiery glare burns My Heart in Lust unknown,
I Hide The Sensual Web from Violet Passion
But Gods are Laughing at My Will to Last!
I seek The Snake of Wisdom, beneath this World
His Sacred Venom can fill My Blood with Light
I Cry in Vain – there is no Way - to be the same.

Monday, November 30, 2015


I fought My way between the Stars
The Time like Sand – was plentiful,
I took the Banner ,,Live Alone

And burnt the Words of Past Regrets!

She said to Me with Notes of Sadness:
”You must go on, I will stay behind
Take your Rod and Walk the Path
My Dreams will Guide you in the Night,
Look inside when Hope will Fade
And don’t forget My Gift to you,
The Pain of Love - cheap Price to pay
For the Chance to Fly again...”

Thousand Steps to reach My Throne
And just One Fall – to Lose it All!
That’s the Glory of Will Unbroken
And the Doom of Serpent Woken!

Sunday, November 29, 2015


Ce se întîmplă cu noi? Nuștiu, poate problema e în viziunea mea asupra vieții și a lumii? Totuși ceva se petrece în perceperea oamenilor. Parcă suntem pierduți, rătăciți în griji neînsemnate și dorințe temporare. Nuștiu cum să explic, multe gînduri mă duc la esența familiei noastre, la destinul omului în întregime. Poate prea mă gîndesc la un nivel macro-metafizic. Simt că suntem din ce în ce mai împrăștiați, mai distanțați de firea noastră adevărată. Știu că fiecare avem necesități, probleme, scopuri însă intuiesc că deasupra acestor jocuri vitale, fiecare se întreabă ceva mai înalt, ceva mai bizar, o curiozitate enigmatică.
            Necesitatea de a scrie mă consumă permanent, nuștiu de ce. Dacă e o necesitate de comunicare atunci cred că e una monoloagă, adică cu mine însumi, cu universul meu interior. Eu comunic zilnic cu diferite persoane, manifest această necesitate socială. Însă Eul meu are nevoie de o conversație intimo-solitară cu sfera mea cosmico-intelectuală. Procesul cunoașterii pare din ce în ce o joacă de simboluri și idei temporare, ceva dinamic, nestabil. Mă frămîntă o aspirare necunoscută, o desfășurare potențială, ceva nerealizat, oprit în manifestare. Oare e posibilă pacea cu sinele, cu existența continnuă? Chiar dacă să-mi satisfac fiecare plăcere, capriciu, dorință, unde-i garantul că voi fi împlinit pe deplin? Recunosc că experiența e un element indispensabil în cunoaștere și creștere interioară. Cunoașterea teoretică e doar jumate de drum, completată prin practică posteriorică. Sistemul dualistic e atît de confuz, rătăcitor, schizofrenic. Mă simt dilatat în sute de forme și expresii. Nu doresc să mă identific doar cu un element interior, cu o posibilitate. Vreau să mă transform în toate manifestările posibile simultan. Totul pare că se unește într-o imagine clară, totuși e încă sumbră, schimbătoare. Ce lucru neînsemnat – într-o unitate de timp și spațiu – eu stau și scriu tot asta, iar în întregul potențial cîte expresii se desfășoară...Mă omor singur pe mine cu povara transcedentă, cu cunoașterea ciclică iluzorică, trecătoare.
            Nu mai țin minte de unde s-a început conșteintizarea propriei existenți...pare umbre de veacuri. Mă mutilez prin căutări deșarte și vise romantico-fantastice. Eu mă manifest ca un fățarnic teatral, singur nu mai știu ce sunt, m-am adîncit în măștile lumești. Nu mai pricep nici proprile gînduri, nu sunt ceia ce gî! Sunt ceva de dincolo...Am uitat inocența copilărească, cîndva eram om...acuma doar un monstru ascuns sub o mantie sanctificată. Cuvîntul și Vorba îmi sunt ca niște obstacole, ca niște grate mentale, ceva sintetico-diabolic. Care parte din mine e aproape de mine însumi? Adevăr paradoxo-cognitiv. Somnul și-a pierdut farmecul dulce, mîncarea nu pare atît de nutritivă, aerul e plin de frenezie emoțională, dorințele - atît de scurte, schimbătoare...
            Nu mai sunt persoana de ieri și nici nu voi fi ceia ce voi deveni mîine, doar trec prin reflecțiile oglinzilor zilnice. Ei îmi răspund: ,,Schimbă-te!” de parcă sunt constant...Calea vieții mele e întunecată de acțiunile cognitive, de aspirările interioare, modificate de caracterul meu dinamic. Încercarea de a îmbrăca avatarul lumii sentimentale mă îneacă mai tare în valurile psihotice a minții. Cînd încerc să mă explic singur pe mine, pierd acea nuanță revelatoare ce mă mistuie permanent. Fug după umbrele străine pe cînd a mea aleargă odată cu mine. De parcă ar fi vreo diferență dintre realitatea subiectivă și cea obiectivă, doar o altă față a pătratului existențial.
            Ce frumos e procesul gîndirii...chiar și dacă nu mă satisface, mă înalță deasupra prejudecăților obișnuite. Blestemul meu e în abundența interioară și în curiozitatea nestăpînită. Nu mai simt farmecul trăirii, acea mirare ignorantă ce mă înălța spre cunoașterea satisfăcătoare. De parcă aș bea apă din rîul fericirii fără a-mi potoli setea necontenită...

Sunday, November 22, 2015

O Sancta Voluntas!

One Day I fell on a Narrow Path…It led me to a way down, deep under the surface of this Earthly Light. Never try to reach the stairs that lead you UP! It’s a Mirage! You must be on a lower ground to believe that you need to climb up. I went so deep that The Light was just a memory in the back of my Mind. Every Night I dived deeper until the Veil of this World faded in hours of Sleepwalking. IT waited for me on the other side of Darkness…I was Lost between twisted thoughts and Labyrinthine Space, there, among the buried Tombs of Madness and Atavistic Lust…IT lurked behind my Ignorance and Unknown Folly!
          This Shapeless Shade chased me until I forgot who I was and where. I fell on my knees, broken, the Body wanted to die, my Mind drifted above the never-ending Void and my Empty Heart cried for the Lost Will of Soul! And in that very moment I was forever changed…
          You must find your way! Do you hear me?! YOUR WAY!
What is Dream-Rift? You must see for yourself!
          I am on my way there…I will stay here for a while and after that I will be gone from this Form-of-Being. I will be near you, I will guide you when you will feel alone and lost.
          Don’t be sad…It is My Destiny, My Choice, My Way!
          I said to you that I will sacrifice Everything! No matter the Cost!
          Please, Smile! I like when you Smile!
          Your Face is so Bright!
          And Your Eyes – Divine!

Friday, November 6, 2015


With My Touch you burn like Summer
The Flame of Magick in your Hands,
We carve the Runes in Silver Meadow
Like scattered Stars on Hallow Land.

Leaves of Autumn in your Hair
Like Golden Rays upon your Head,
Among Two Trees I hold you tight
With New Moon inside the Night.

Senseless Hope with smell of Winter
The Space around – Spikes of Ice,
I drink your Potion like Sweet Wine
In Lonely Hours of Cold Midnight.

In your Kiss the taste of Spring
Like Water Lily on My River-Heart,
I took your Cloak to Hide My Essence
And your Dagger – To Guard My Soul.

Thursday, October 22, 2015



Frater Violuci: Can I record this Counsel of Cardinalia?
Narakul: Only if You will veil it with your Poetic Mantle.
Arch-Serph Estedelux: It is too Cognitive and Abstract for them...
Vir Sanctus Erelus: The Order of Inner Codex approves this Idea!
Exarch Elux
: Encryptic form is enough to maintain Neutrality.

                                   + + + + +

When in Dream You will Wake Up
You will Cry Poison Tears with Blood,
But all of this is just Inception
An End with Mask of many Faces.
You will Gaze with Lidless Eyes
At this Darkness from the Void,
Only in You lies The Power
Hidden Deep inside Your Mind.
You will utter with Chanting Voice
The Holy Pact you most Desire,
Then, Be Silent! Show Gratitude and Bow...

And from Dream You will Awake! 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Silver Heart – Golden Soul

Throne of Thorns and Wicked Fire
Drop of Blood in Crimson Mire,
He walks in Shadow under Stars
With Diamond Ring for Lady Night.

In Glade of Roses – Spark of Light!
Her Graceful dancing – Gift of Sight,
The Crown of Queen in Mortal hands
Shines with Glory on Desert Land.

He was Lost in Dream of Feelings
Thirst for Beauty and Secret Path,
Years like Water cleansed His Soul
Words like Fire burnt His Heart.

In Purple Dress on Top of Mountain
Where the Wind is Breath of Life,
She was waiting for His Shadow
Like fresh Rose for Morning Sun.

The World was Full of Fear and Chaos
With Broken Hopes and Distant Cry,
They Killed with Words and Healed with Anger
Hollow Gods with Twisted Magick -
Black Paradise in Endless Madness!

They were Watching from the Sky
How the Earth was Deep in Slumber,
With Her Voice and His Smile
Countless Moments spent in Love…

In Nocturnal Temple of Holy Light
At the Altar of Crescent Moon
She was giving Her Silver Heart
And His Gift – The Golden Soul!

And the Game of Solid Realm
Was Left Behind in Dust and Rain…
Not Gods…nor Mortals and no Spirits…
They just became Two Living Saints…

Saturday, August 29, 2015


You wrote My Name on Golden Sand
But Waves of Time erased it all,
I carved your Face on Highest Cliff
But corrosive Tears cracked the Stone,
We shouted:
”NO Life Nor Death will part Us now!”
Then Changes came...We Fell Apart...

Monday, July 20, 2015


In endless Space I drifted naked
With empty Words I shed my Tears,
Beyond the World I searched for Power
Deep in Dreams I lost my Path…

You heard my Silence in Nightly Hours
Like Waves of Music in utter Chaos,
You felt my Pain in Cosmic Slumber
Like piece of Essence of your Soul!

You took my Head upon your Chest
Like Frozen Flower in Hands of Spring,
All the Pain and Inner Worries
You dispelled with Graceful Voice!

I drowned in Blissful Warmth of Healing
In Streams of Laughter filled with Life,
I was speechless in your Enchantment
And all I asked was just your Name!

You put your Hands upon my Shoulders
Your Silver Hair touched my Face,
With gentle Whisper in my Ear
You uttered slowly just One Name…

Friday, June 26, 2015

Fantasmagicka Mysterium

No Tears for Wise man to be found
No Laurels for the Sacred Truth
We stole the Diamonds from our Soul
And instead
- became like Stones...

Flames of Night consumes My Nexus!
With Vivid Dreams of Distant Echo
Shapes of Glory inside The Circle
And Silver Eyes outside the Window.

No Symbols for the twisted Minds
No Words can reach the noisy Heart
Her Shape of Moon will Shine tonight
Flickering in Blue Mirror of Starlight

Rays of Morning burns My Slumber
Like scorching vines above My Head
No Cry, No Tear and No Emotion
All She asks is just DEVOTION...

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Aștepta în fiecare zi legătura cu dînșii, nu era important cum și unde, conta manifestarea dorinței lui nestăpînite – energie monetară abundentă prin metode oculte/magice/ritualistice.
            Era încrezut că ei îl contactau pe dînsul prin vis, astral și prin circumstanțele haotice ale zilei. Știa asta dincolo de dubii, nu putea justifica o așa încredere naivă – doar era încrezut că dorințele lui sunt pe cale de a se manifesta în viața lui banalo-visătoare.
            Nu avea nimica, aproape nimica, doar 61 de bani, era suficient pentru proiectarea îmbelșugată a forțelor mammonice.
            O parte din el era necăjită, deoarece știa că va atinge toate acestea însă nimica din ele nu îl vor satisface. Doar dorea să se exprime la maximum, chiar și dacă asta va duce la autodistrugere. Visul lui era cam sărăcăcios în experiențe, pe cînd valorile intelectuale și spirituale erau în plinătate. Înțelegea acuma mai clar cît de tare e dependent de materia energetico-monetară. Asta nu-l descuraja...invers, se bucura că se află într-o asemenea posibilitate potențială nestabilă.
            Totul a fost decis deja: a căpătat dorința lui materială cu anumit preț: plata îi era revelată la nivel inconștient, pe parcurs o va conștientiza la nivel conștient. Însă asta nu-l deranja deloc, era bucuros că există o așa formă de transformare mutuală – preț/contract spiritual.
            Dorea să-i vadă pe acei care îl ghidau, ajutau în lumiile de dincolo, în sferele transcendente, la descoperirea expresiilor lui mai înalte. Dorea să le mulțumească pentru chinuri, dureri, suferinți, experiențe, cunoașteri, posibilități...să-i cunoască la un nivel mai distorsiat energetic – la nivel fizic.
            Acuma cînd banii erau doar niște expresii banale, a înțeles că a dorit asta mai mult ca niciodată. Ce plăcut era starea asta cînd simțea legătura energetică cu banii, de parcă bancnotele erau conștiente/vii, simțea mirosul banilor ademenitori, vedea puterea lor creativo-malefică. Intuitiv le mulțumea pentru dovada acestei posibilități.
            Blestemul s-a transformat în grație binecuvîntătoare, negativitatea în extaz materialistic, era înecat în combinările materiei, era îmbătat de ispitele plăcerilor trupești. În asemenea stări niciodată nu a simțit exaltarea divină atît de aproape, atît de reală. Era înrobit în libertatea babiloniană.
            Adesea vorbea cu banii, acuma nu păreau doar bancnote din hîrtie chimică dar creaturi înțelepte, exprimate într-o asemenea formă energetică.
            Acuma pentru prima dată simțea că există cu adevărat, că era plin de necesități satisfăcute. Privea la astă viață ca la acele vise realizate, împlinite pe deplin. Credea că va exploda în astă exaltare magică. Totul părea simplu și evident. Adevărul era în el și în dorințele lui, în foamea și setea sa spirituală. Totul ce părea absurd acuma primea o formă clară.
            Nu plîngea cu lacrimi dar cu tristețe exaltată a inimii sale, era toate expresiile odată, toate sentimentele simultan. Niciodată nu s-a simțit atît de limitat, atît de extins în perceperile sale. Viața deja devenise vis, un vis halucinant, intoxicant. Asta era doar începutul, un sfîrșit cu multe fețe...o trezire reușită.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Chemarea Zeilor uitați

Stau în Mijlocul Pădurii
Și vă chem din amintiri -

Tu Zeița Lumii Noastre,
Vraja Lunei Nocturnale
În Apele ce ne-nconjoară
Pe Pămîntul Roditor,
Te chem acuma în fața mea
Să apari în orice formă.
Cu glasul tău de mii de veacuri
Să-mi rostești tu Calea Mea.

Te chem pe tine Zeul Soare
Stăpînul Lumii Animale,
Conducătorul Inimii Umane,
Prinț a Luminei Creatoare.
Te chem din Adîncurile Lumii
Să mă ghidezi prin revelații
Să-mi dezvălui Înțelepciunile Uitate
Să mă-ncoronezi cu Datinile Adevărate!

Vă chem pe voi, O! Zeii Noștri!
Ce v-ați ascuns de ochii noștri,
În adîncul Munților Măreți,
În Ecoul Apelor Spumoase.
Veniți acuma, nu întîrziați
Ruga mea înflăcărată mi-o ascultați,
Doresc să aflu tot ce-i vechi,
Să gust din viața îmbelșugată!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Blood and Water

Words are fading in my weary Mind
Like the Wind beyond the Mountains
What was Dead now calls for Life
Like a Ghost from ruined Sanctum.

In my Dream I saw White Demons
Slain by wicked Swords of Men
They fell like Stars from Crimson Heaven
With broken Wings they cried for Help!

I tried to catch them in my arms
To save them from the Pain of falling,
I begged my Fate to give me Luck!
But all She gave was Countless Feathers…

Tell me now who is Light and Darkness?!
When those who died for Truth and Love
Are long forgotten in the Book of Time
And my Name – just Blood and Water! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Everything will pass, all my things, feelings, desires, fears and pleasures! Yes, it will! I came with no place and no permanent home, and so I will leave. The most strange thing is: ,,Nothing really matters” , yes, for me is exactly true! To hold on to things or let them go – doesn't matter, it will flow eventually...
          Where are my things from the past? Most of them are gone, but those who are – worthless, or of no much importance anymore. I feel like suddenly awaken – too rush and unexpected! I really want to find a way to slip from this Catharistic Existence! Sometimes too heavy, too short, too beautiful or too unbearable...never in-between...What I really have? What is really mine? What comes from real me? I can't answer because when I begin to analyse, I am drowned in weaves of Nothingness and Allness! Is there a path between these two?
          I am still here...maybe on my way of slipping from here...soon, I hope to reach My Top of Illumination! Or at least to unveil some covers of my Amnesic Manifestation!
          There must be something to my confusion, to this Chaotic Slumber! The thirst to wake up consumes me again, more intense and active than ever before! Nothing bounds me here but still I am bound by thoughts of uncozy feelings!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Cavalier Scriptum

        My Lady – Happy Freyantine Day! The drops of my Ocean Life can dry but your Crystal River will always flow to its pure Waterfall! This day is a Blessing for such Divine Existence! Rise like an innocent Galanthus from Winter slumber and face the morning light of Life! The sky reflects your eyes and the wind reminds me of your gentle touch...I wish you one thing – just BE! Don’t become…BE in the NOW! This is my legacy for you, my one and only gift. The leaves of my Dream-Tree are golden-blue because of your angelic radiance and graceful voice. The Top of my Mountain is illuminated by your Nocturnal Music.
        Your Cavalier is here, by your side, not always but more often than sometimes. My Crimson Shild will protect your sleep during starless nights and my Silver Sword will reflect the golden light of the Sun in your darkest dreams. My Armor will cover your body from Nightmares and harmful Spells.
        My time is almost spent...the hour is late, so tired of this maze. I must follow, the waves of destiny are calling again. Everything is so fast and unseen, I can barely notice myself.
        Sleep now in your Royal Castle...but I must wake up and continue My hidden Path...I am almost there...I see it – My Home, real one, at least, more real than this one...
        My Spirit will burn for you as long as you will need my Light...      

Thursday, February 5, 2015

New Way – My Way

How I am still here?! Before I go...I must finish what I have started! But to do this I need to remember my Self-Soul. Only through The Dream-Rift can I succeed. I am getting closer to this crucial point, with New Way i.e. My Way! My last power I cast into these Words of Distant Echo!
          I see it...It is so real, but not within my grasp yet. How long must I wait? Yes, I know...just a little and I will be gone. They are calling my Name! Every night I feel them in my dreams. From Ages past and forgotten Times the Voices of Balance and Nature are crying for Truth and Beauty. Why me? I don’t deserve such Honor…
          My Mind is so weary of this inner Maze and my Heart is so sick of empty feelings…Soon I will meet my Shadow, the one I banished inside The Crystal Halls of Agony. How blind I was! With time even Light can kill…slowly burning every thought and emotion. There was a time when I ran so fast and fearful from Pain but now it is my only Healer and Guide.
          What I must do to manifest My Inner Flame in the outer Life
? There are so many Paths to choose! I know...The Way is already in front of me, is too stained with my own Blood:

I woke from Dream, if dream it was...
Amidst the roaring of distant Beasts,
My hands with Blood and Heart in Fear
On the ground - cold Body with dry Tears.
Horror filled my freezing Breath
When I saw the pale face of Death!
This cold Body on the Crimson Road
Was my own...My Flesh and Bones!
I killed Myself with no remorse...
I closed my eyes with peaceful ease
And cried to the Empty Sky: My SACRILEGE!

Friday, January 23, 2015



Saturday, January 10, 2015


I wish you a Golden Autumn...The Leaves may fall from trees but years can’t change your Beauty...You still shine like the Brightest Diamond from the day I first met you. Your eyes reflects the same Divine Light! Your Smile - same Innocence and Grace! Your Voice is still magical, like ever-changing Music of your Pure Soul! No one can break your Heart-beat! Every beat of your Heart is Holy like the notes of Infinite Melody...Your simplicity is stronger than any power in this World.
    Remember that the True Force in this Universe is Love and Beauty, like a Butterfly - fragile and small but one swing of its wings can cause chaos and changes in all the Cosmos.
    When your Tears are falling in dead silence...when no one knows...I am always there, to pick every drop of your crystal tears and treasure them in my warm hands...When you wait in sadness and sorrow in the hours of the night...I am also there, watching and protecting a Guardian that protects a small child from this World of Illusions! When you close your eyes and the sleep takes you into another World of Dreams...I am there also! My hand is reaching for your reflection even in the Land of Fantasies!
    You are Night-Heaven Goddess! Never forget it! Only you burn with a Fire of Music! Only you can reach the Light beyond Darkness! Only you can sing the song of Life and Death! Only you can fly with broken Wings! Only Moon-Lady can be such Graceful and Divine! ONLY YOU!!!
    What if I am wrong???...What if all this is not True???... Then I will still believe that a Simple Stone can hide the most Brighter, Beautiful and Perfect Crystal...I will believe that your Music never ends even if I not hear it anymore...I will believe that you are Goddess even if I will die without seeing your Face again...I will believe in you even if I will forget your Name...I will remember you even if I will lose you forever...I WILL!!!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Nocturna Borealis

O! Queen beyond the Mountains
Sacred Light among the ruined Altar!
Walk with me on golden leaves
Down to the Path of Endless Dreams.

Look at the Sun and see my Face smiling!
Feel the Wind and hear my Voice!
Read the words of your Heart
and you will know my

Go now, fly above the Northern Night
And cast my weary mind in
Where the Dreams are Closer tonight
Just for a moment - Your blissful Sight!

O! Goddess with nightly Voice
And with Music in your hair!
Every Note vibrates in Glory
In my body - Thrill of Life!