
Sleepless Nights upon drafts of forgotten Wisdom and forbidden Paths often made My Mind restless and eager for reaching new depths of Universal Perception. The Sense of losing Myself between ideas little bothered me, for I knew one thing – I will find what I seek, no matter how long it will be…Every step was more closer and reassuring, every guess took My Focus inside the right circle…into The Dream-Rift! I don’t know how but one day, at the edge of cataclysmic events inside My Mind, when everything around collapsed to absurdity and chaos…something strange changed My Inner Universe. Suddenly, I was obsessed by unknown idea, some kind of outer-thought, alien to my form of thinking...THIS THOUGHT BECAME MY LIFE...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The stones are whispering through time
Their shapes are like thousands books,
But who can read and feel and live?
The Hero of old is lost in darkness,
The Light in gone, the Sun is black…

A distant cry in lonely woods is fading
The trees are hungry, their roots are broken,
But who can talk and walk and smile?
The Queen is dead like rose in winter,
The Love is hate, the Life is fate.

The crystal rivers flow like seconds
The noise of world, the peace of nature,
But who can drink and taste and rest?
The Child of man is naked beauty,
The Joy is sorrow, the Years are curse.

The flame is dimming like pale star
The frost of past is hunting future,
But who can run and hide and sleep?
The God of heaven is nameless cross,
The Hope is fear, the Dreams are true…

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Through the Forms, they
deceiving me
Their Life is just a Lie in Dreams.
They are Blind by the Mask of Time
In which they Live and Die with Tears.
Their Wish is just another Brand to buy
But they are Empty, Dead for now.
Their Bright smile is a Kiss of Death
Swift and Cold like deadly Poison.
I sit and think behind them all
Like Ghost is watching the Graves of Man.
The Time is passing through my Soul
The Blood is Sweet, the Pain is over.
All is fading into Nothing, like a Blink
The Sacred Silence carries me, into Myself.
I am Alive in Light! I am Dead now…

Friday, February 17, 2012


Te-am zărit întîmplător
Cu ochii amorțiți de bere,
Am crezut că sunt în vis
Privind în ochii unei zîne.

Tu mi-ai zîmbit cu buze dulci
Cu privirea ta de înger,
M-ai devorat într-o plăcere
În Jocul ochilor demonici.

Simțeam că mă înec în sine
Mă îndepărtam de spațiu-timp,
Unde totul cade-n valuri
Într-un gînd fără sfîrșit.

Ești Zeița lumii mele
O crăiasă din poveși,
Ce dispari într-o uitare
În iluziile firești...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Vis în Vis

Într-un spațiu rece și umbros
O lumină oarbă mă-ncălzește,
Prin fereastra albă se lungește
Pe băncile din clasa goală.

A rămas doar numai praful
Pe suprafața unei cărți,
Dar ale sale pagini roase
S-au înecat în lumea neagră...

S-au schimbat pereții în alb
Dar tabla a rămas aceiași,
Pe-un colț de bancă stă un chip
A cărui umbră nu mai este.

Peste o clipă, rămîne totul nemișcat...
Par un Nimica și-un Tot Întreg.
Oare cînd mă voi trezi din viață
În acel vis din gîndul meu?